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Quince Ceremony 101

QuinceaƱera Blessing Ceremony Steps and Descriptions

This is an outline and description of what will happen during each step of the Quince Ceremony.

1. Guests are Seated

Music is played softly during the seating of the guests before the Quince Ceremony begins. 

2. Sponsors' Processional

Music is played as Ceremony

VIPs enter.

3. Honor Court Processional

Music is played as Honor

Court enters.

4. Quince's Processional

Music is played as Miss Quince enters. Guests stand as she makes her grand

entrance escorted in by both her parents. Parents sit.

5. Gathering Words

Pastor Gina welcomes the guests, thanks them for coming and talks briefly about the meaning of the Quince Blessing


6. Opening Prayer

Pastor Gina prays for the Quince.

7.  Moment of Silence

A time to recognize any family member close to the Quince who have recently passed on.

8. Expression of Thanks

Quince thanks her parents and Sponsors, Godparents, etc. for their love, support

and the party.

9. Parent's TributeSpeeches

Parents speak words of encouragements and of their love for their hopes for

their daughter.

10. Blessing of Quince Gifts

Padrinos/Sponsors bring their

Quince Gifts to the Altar. The

Gifts remain at the Altar.

11. Scripture Readings 1, 2 & 3

Pastor Gina reads the three

selected Scriptures.

12. Ceremony of Three Roses

This is about the stages of the

Quinceanera's life.

13. Presentation of Kneeling Pillow

Presenter brings Kneeling Pillow to Quince

14. Profession of Faith

Quinceanera expresses her

belief in the Creator, His Son and in His resurrection.

15. Sign of the Cross

The Quince is anointed with Chrism.

16. The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer is read.

17. The Sign of Peace

The The Peace of the Lord is with you always.

18. Quince's Prayer of Consecration

Quince's prayer of personal commitment to lead a Christian life.

19.Consecration to the Virgin Mary

Quince offers a prayer and offers a fresh bouquet to the Virgin Mary and lights a candle.

20. Presentation of the Gifts

Sponsors come forward to present their gifts to the Quinceanera. They present

each gift and then are seated.

21. 4th Scripture reading 

A Young Woman of God.

22. Affirmation of the Community

Guests are asked to agree to help guide Quince.

23. Final Prayer for the Quince

Prayer for the Lord's Blessing on the Quince

24.  Presentation of Miss Quince

Quinceañera is introduced to the assembled guests.

23. Recessional

Music Plays. Time to walk back down the aisle.  Remember to smile and wave!

If your Ceremony in the same room as Reception, greeter can show them to their tables or pass out Quince Programs.

Gift Presenters, Grand Parents, and

God Parents enter carrying Quince

Gifts and then are seated.

Honor Escort enters followed by the Damas and Chambelanes and take their places at Altar or sit down.

Miss Quince enters confident, poised with both parents escorting her in. She stops just past the first row of chairs. Parents are seated and the Quince Blessing Ceremony begins.

Pastor Gina talks briefly about the meaning of the Quince Ceremony and the responsibilities she will now face to God, her family and to her


Prayer asking God to look kindly on the Quince and to guide her.

Any members who have passed are mentioned briefly to honor and show respect for them.

Quince passes her bouquet to a Dama and then reads her speech at the Podium. A Chambelan places a chair at the center of aisle.

Each parent speaks about their first years with the Quince as a baby, her growing up and their hopes for her future and never ending love.

All Quince Gifts are brought to the Altar. They stand before Pastor Gina who them blesses the gifts and then sprinkles them with holy water.

The 3 Scriptures are read. 1: Old Testament

2. Psalm 3. Gospel. 

The Roses are symbolic. The Rose Bud--infancy. Half-bloom Rose--childhood, Full bloom Rose--today.

Kneeling Pillow brought forward by Presenter.  It is a symbol of Humility.

Quinceanera professes her faith in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. She is then sprinkled with Holy Water.

The Sign of the Cross is traced on the Quince's forehead with chrism.  Parents and Godparents also trace the cross on Quince.

Pastor Gina has the guests stand and all pray aloud The Lord's Prayer.

The guests shake hands with each other.  Please remain in your seats.

Quince  goes to podium and shares her personal commitment to lead a Christian life.

Quince  is led to table by Sponsor.  Quince prays  the Hail Mary.  When done, she places a bouquet on table and lights a candle.

Each Gift is presented one-at-a-time by the Sponsors as each are called forward. Quince Gift's symbolism is explained. Music is played softly.

A Scripture based on 1 Corinthians 13 where Love is replace by A Young Woman of God and

is an excellent model in which to lead our lives.

Guest express their willingness to help guide and encourage the Quince as she goes though life and all that it entails.

Prayer for God's blessing on the Quince's life and to grow in wisdom, knowledge and grace. Continued love of family and friends.

Chair is removed as Quince stands.

She retrieves her Bouquet and acknowledges her quests.

Honor Escort walks forward and escorts the Quinceanera down aisle

followed by the rest of the Honor Court and Parents.

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